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Dark Calendar 24-February-2021
Leading Creatively Across the NHS in 2021
It's the first time we delivered a conference in this virtual format and the first time we've had close to 1,000 people register for one NHS Elect event. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

We had an inspiring and varied programme, we hope that everyone found the sessions they chose to attend stimulating and informative, and have left feeling inspired and with some practical ideas to share across your organisation. We've added the presentation slides and podcast or video recordings of the sessions where available to our resources section on our website, with direct links to each resource found below. 

Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to our amazing speakers and panellists, all of whom have a wealth of experience and who generously gave up their time to join us.


Leading Creatively Across the NHS in 2021 Conference Brochure >>