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Workforce digital transformation

The NHS Long-term Workforce Plan highlights the importance of utilising digital and technological innovations to ensure the workforce is prepared to deliver care in the future. However, research has demonstrated the impact of these innovations are highly dependent on the effectiveness of the implementation.

Our specialist team can support you end-to-end from strategy, discovery and design through to implementation and evaluation, to ensure an effective workforce digital transformation that ultimately improves productivity and retention.

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How we work with you

We work at a local, regional and national level, with organisations at different stages of digital maturity, tailoring our approach to meet your desired scale and spread of digital transformation. Recognising the importance of sustainability for digital transformation programmes, we consider longer-term embedding as part of our design.

Our approach usually includes:

Focused strategy development

Support organisations to scope and develop a clear strategy focused on maximising impact

Partnership work

Working in partnership to develop impactful stakeholder engagement across teams, services, organisations and integrated care systems

Empower people to work in new ways

Support organisational change by applying system design and behaviour change principles to implement digital technology into clinical processes and healthcare systems

Effective training

Understand end user needs and design strategies for training to maximise the investment made in implementation


Utilise a data driven approach to test the new system and evaluate the impact of your digital transformation

Find out about our team

We’re lucky to have a great team of people behind the scenes at NHS Elect. Our team includes seasoned healthcare professionals, senior leaders, and subject-matter experts.

Learn more about our team

Get in touch

Please contact us if you’d like to find out more about our workforce digital transformation services.