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Dark Calendar 06-April-2023
NHS Elect is shortlisted for HSJ Digital Award

We were delighted to learn this month that our work for the digitisation of the national adult critical care nursing specialist competencies has been shortlisted for an award at the inaugural HSJ Digital Awards, which recognise outstanding contributions to healthcare.
In 2021, the Critical Care National Network Nurse Leads Forum (CC3N) decided to create an online, digital version of their nationally recognised Step 1 proficiencies (for registered nurses new to critical care), to allow for improved quality assurance, skill visibility and flexibility of usage.  
Working in collaboration with CC3N and Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning, NHS Elect formed a working group to: 

  • establish need;
  • digitise the Step 1 proficiencies’ content;  
  • co-develop the host platform to add the necessary functionality and governance processes for clinical proficiency frameworks;  
  • perform beta testing with end users.  

In August 2022 a 7-month, UK-wide pilot with 60 NHS Trusts was started.

The HSJ Digital Awards 2023 received 314 entries, with 164 projects and individuals making it to the final shortlist (from across 120 organisations).  The shortlist judging was based on ambition; outcome; value; involvement & working together and crucially, how the project might be ‘picked up’ and replicated elsewhere for the benefit of both patients and professional colleagues.

The official awards ceremony will be held in Manchester on 22nd June 2023.