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Dark Calendar 24-November-2022
Collaborative work wins at Nursing Times Workforce & Summit Awards

NHS Elect’s National Improvement Networks team is delighted that its collaborative work with West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been announced as the winner of the 'Best Staff Recognition and Engagement' category at the Nursing Times Workforce & Summit Awards 2022. 

The awards took place on Tuesday 22 November, when Nursing Times brought together over 700 professionals from across the health and care community at the Hilton London Metropole.  Finalists and members of the nursing community attended the awards ceremony covering 17 categories recognising organisations going above and beyond to recruit and retain their nursing workforce. There were deserving winners from organisations across the UK.

During the pandemic, senior nursing staff at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust were concerned how nurses’ wellbeing and development was being supported and the negative impact this was having on retention. The team wanted to create a system that delivered an empowered workforce. To achieve this, an adapted version of clinical supervision (CS) was implemented where support and promotion of a culture of personal growth and professional development was prioritised.

Using a collaborative approach with NHS Elect, a project team was created with the Deputy Chief Nurse in place as senior responsible officer (SRO) and fortnightly project meetings scheduled. A project manager was appointed, and the ‘Model for Improvement’ approach utilised.

Nurses were surveyed to gain an insight into their experience of supervision and what they wanted to see in the new programme. The aim was agreed, a driver diagram created with senior nurses and measures identified. Tests of change were undertaken, and a system and processes established to deliver CS.

A capacity and demand model was also created to support the Trust in understanding the potential pinch points and plan demand across the year and a Faculty of Supervisors was established. The approach was initially tested with Band 8 staff and all sessions evaluated to ensure they were productive and met the needs of the supervisee. Processes were reviewed as needed and the programme expanded to all registered nurses.

CS was provided through a mix of 1-1 and group sessions. The group process underwent five PDSA cycles before final agreement. Initially sessions were run with specific topics across four cycles with eight places at each session and 10 sessions were provided each week.

The five key outcomes and implications of the project were:

  • A programme to deliver CS across the organisation effectively and efficiently has been designed and delivered.
  • Staff are engaged and report that their mood, energy and stress levels have improved.
  • A website has been created as well as a Biteable video clip 
  • A demand and capacity tool for future planning has been created
  • Staff are showing signs that responsibility and autonomy of practice is improving.
The collaborative project was also shortlisted in the ‘Best Employer Staff Wellbeing Initiative’ category at the awards.

To find out more, visit the website for the project or email us