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Dark Calendar 22-July-2022
Respiratory Surge in Children

Enhancing capability in the care of the unwell child

Winter may seem far off as we currently navigate the challenges of a summer heatwave, but winter preparedness is key to supporting staff and providing system resilience in response to increased demand. The Respiratory Surge in Children programme is a digital repository of training resources for self-directed learning, as well as for educators, to support the cross-skilling of the workforce to increase capacity and enhance capability in response to the increased prevalence of respiratory illnesses in children.

Developed in preparation for the anticipated surge in respiratory infections in 2021-22, the programme houses over 480 multi-media, open-access resources that have been carefully curated and co-developed for all healthcare staff working in the various settings where a child will present with respiratory illness. Since launching in July 2021, the programme has seen over 3,500 learners access its resources more than 65,000 times.

The Respiratory Surge searchable index has been developed by mapping the programme’s educational content to learning objectives and skills, by domain and by level of paediatric care. Its searchable functionality allows users to quickly find and access relevant content on the programme by keywords, resource titles and topics, staff group, care setting, learning objective, learning duration, and content type (e.g. text, video, audio). Users also have the ability to create and share custom lists of learning resources.

In addition, Rapid access resource lists have been designed as quick introductions to the content in the Respiratory Surge in Children programme and the downloadable interprofessional skills matrix has been developed to support learners and educators to identify content to match their knowledge/resource gaps.

For more information visit the programme page and share with your colleagues