01 February 2024
14:30 - 16:00
1.5 hours

MS Teams
Online video conferencing

Have you ever wondered how to use the Goldfish Bowl technique for getting patient/carer/user feedback on their experience of your service? This webinar will walk you through a step-by-step process on how to run your Goldfish Bowl in your department as a live face-to-face event. Our one-hour webinar will cover:

•  What is a Goldfish Bowl?
•  What is it good for and our learning from the last 15 years
•  Planning, planning, planning and ground rules
•  Invaluable insight from patients in their own words about your services
•  What patients & staff said about the Goldfish Bowl experience
•  Troubleshooting or what could happen on the day (sharing our experience)
•  How our members went through the training and now running their own Goldfish Bowl
•  FAQs / Q&A (including an online version of Goldfish Bowl)

And the slides will double up as your takeaway guidance pack.

Lead facilitator

Sue Kong  

Sue Kong joined NHS Elect in April 2005 as their Director, leading on the marketing of NHS Services and assisting the Department of Health with the Gastroenterology 18 weeks commissioning pathways. Prior to joining NHS Elect, Sue was Executive Director for Strategy and Planning at North West London Strategic Health Authority and has operational and planning experience in acute hospitals in London and the East Midlands.

Sue has an MBA (distinction) specialising in marketing and is a CIM Chartered Marketer. Sue has chaired the Health Service Journal NHS marketing conferences and has published in the Journal of Management and Marketing in Healthcare, regularly sharing good examples of healthcare marketing and patient experience from around the world. Sue is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Patient Experience (SAGE). She loves learning from different sectors and has presented as a Business Insight Leader for Warwick Business School, the Institute of Directors, National Housing Federation & 2020 Arab Health Congress.

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