28 February 2024
10:00 - 11:30
1.5 hours

MS Teams
Online video conferencing

This webinar will examine the many ways in which social media can be used to enhance the experiences of staff and patients. 

The session will highlight how it has been employed successfully across the NHS and share tips and tricks to enable attendees to make more of the many available tools.

Delegates will also look at how social media could be applied in their area of work and take practical steps towards delivering this potential.  We'll include:

•    What social media is and why it is so important
•    Real examples of successes in the NHS
•    Tips and tricks for using social media more effectively
•    Key things to consider before using social media

This webinar is aimed at staff who have a basic understanding of social media (e.g. have their own personal social media profiles) and would benefit from advice and guidance for applying it effectively in their area of work.

Lead facilitator

Sue Kong  

Sue Kong joined NHS Elect in April 2005 as their Director, leading on the marketing of NHS Services and assisting the Department of Health with the Gastroenterology 18 weeks commissioning pathways. Prior to joining NHS Elect, Sue was Executive Director for Strategy and Planning at North West London Strategic Health Authority and has operational and planning experience in acute hospitals in London and the East Midlands.

Sue has an MBA (distinction) specialising in marketing and is a CIM Chartered Marketer. Sue has chaired the Health Service Journal NHS marketing conferences and has published in the Journal of Management and Marketing in Healthcare, regularly sharing good examples of healthcare marketing and patient experience from around the world. Sue is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Patient Experience (SAGE). She loves learning from different sectors and has presented as a Business Insight Leader for Warwick Business School, the Institute of Directors, National Housing Federation & 2020 Arab Health Congress.

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