25 March 2024
13:00 - 14:00
1 hour

MS Teams
Online video conferencing

The Quality Coach Development Programme (QCDP) is an exciting opportunity for individuals and teams to develop and strengthen their skills around QI and QI coaching. This webinar provides an introduction to and explainer about the programme – it is not the programme itself.  

The QCDP brings together concepts of coaching, facilitation, improvement, measurement, the psychology of change, and much more into a high-quality national programme. The materials have been designed and developed by a dedicated group of national subject matter experts from across the QI community in the UK and Ireland between Autumn 2019 and August 2023. 

The QCDP offers an organisation a broad range of possible benefits, including improved outcomes, care experience, staff experience, increased retention, and a culture of continuous improvement. 

In this webinar, we will talk about the programme in detail, with an opportunity to meet previous participants of the programme to hear about their experiences and how the programme has benefitted them. There will also be time for a Q&A with the faculty. 

  • What is the Quality Coach Development Programme? 
  • What are the benefits to me and to my organisation? 
  • How do I apply? 
  • Testimonial from a previous participant of the programme
  • Q&A with our NHS Elect QI Faculty 

Benefit to the organisation - This programme explains the Quality Coach Development Programme, its benefits, and how to apply it. 

Who should apply - Anyone interested in becoming a Quality Coach and QI teams, OD teams, Education teams or similar who would like to learn more about this programme.  

Lead facilitator

Catherine Heaney  

Cath Heaney joined NHS Elect in October 2022, arriving with over 20 years of experience working in the NHS in a variety of sectors, including primary care, acute hospitals, mental health, and integrated care systems.  Her aim is to nurture the skills & confidence of NHS people.    

Cath is an Improvement Advisor, a graduate of the Institute for Health Improvement’s IA programme, and an Organisational Development Practitioner, having trained with Roffey Park Institute. She is an accredited mentoring practitioner, a Healthcare Leadership Model 360 degree feedback facilitator, an MBTI Step 1 practitioner, an Affina Team Journey coach (Affina OD), and trained in the application of Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) in the workplace (City University of London).  

With a passion for facilitation, Cath trained at Roffey Park Institute in Practical Facilitation Skills and with the Q Community (Health Foundation) in Liberating Structures and Community of Practice leadership.   

Recent accomplishments  

Cath’s recent accomplishments include being an Improvement Advisor to a number of clinical directorates at East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) through the Covid pandemic, growing Quality Improvement practice to tackle emergent challenges and nurturing the role of the Quality Improvement coaches. In addition, she recently moved into the virtual world of facilitation on Zoom, Microsoft Teams and WebEx, designing and delivering reflective workshops for 250+ staff & service users to shape the future of services together. A personal highlight for Cath of working with ELFT was the co-production of Quality Improvement work with service users and carers, in particular in services for young people and talking therapies.   

Cath was an Organisational Development Manager through the acquisition period at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, with a focus on organisational values, staff engagement and building effective team-based working & has been a speaker at NHS Do OD conferences. 

How she can help you 

Cath specialises in Quality Improvement – building capacity, capability and developing strategy and infrastructure, including service user involvement. She can also help with facilitation and workshop design and with personal development - through mentoring (London and South East Leadership academies). 


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