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Dark Calendar 23-March-2020

We are very keen to continue to support our members as far as possible during this difficult time and would like to offer the following, with further details below:

1. Bespoke training and development
2. Bespoke support for your leaders
3. Coaching, including 'speed' and 'top-up' coaching
4. Virtual events

We hope this approach seems sensible but please do our CEO, Caroline Dove, if you have any further suggestions for how we can best support you during this difficult time or if you need anything specific.


1. Bespoke training and development

We are offering to reschedule any workshops planned for Q1 as we expect that few organisations will be able to commit to face-to-face training in the coming weeks.

Instead, we will be offering remote/virtual training or support, both to replace any postponed workshops and as a new offer that you can arrange through your NHS Elect account manager.

We can offer remote training and development (through webinars or Microsoft Teams) as an alternative to face-to-face training on a huge range of topics and would be pleased to discuss this with you.

In addition to webinars and virtual training for local teams, we will also be offering a weekly schedule of webinars and virtual development opportunities that are open to staff from across our network – more details will follow each week on our scheduled activities and most sessions will be recorded so you and your colleagues can access these at their convenience.

More about online training >>

2. Bespoke support for your leaders

We are also offering increased access to bespoke consultancy, including 1:1 booked consultancy slots with members of our team.

A range of topics are available, such as business cases, project management, managing conflict, marketing and communication, planning and leading change and coaching.

For these sessions, staff who are tackling particular issues can arrange to talk with a senior member of the NHS Elect team, who will provide practical help and advice (including further support by email following the call, as needed).

We will send more details out shortly on how to book onto these virtual surgeries but do call me if you’d like to access this type of support for your teams.

Find out more >>

3. Coaching, including 'speed' and 'top-up'

In recognition of the increased pressure on our leaders, we are offering an increase in access to 1:1 coaching.

This can be delivered virtually, so we can offer coaching support to more leaders in the coming weeks.

Please let us have any requests for additional coaching support ASAP, including ‘speed coaching’ for any leaders who need immediate support as they work under even greater pressure in the coming weeks.

Find out more >>

4. Virtual events

For our central events, we will obviously reschedule all those planned for April and re-book all attendees on the same workshop later in the year.

We will be delivering an interactive webinar to replace each cancelled workshop and all attendees and everyone on our mailing list will be offered the opportunity to join these sessions.

We can accommodate anyone who wishes to on this type of webinar, but they will also be recorded so that your staff can view them at a later date.

We will keep events after April under review, but have the option to continue to offer flexible, virtual training for a longer period if necessary.

See all events >>